Thursday, December 5, 2013

Seeing Red

     More Letters From Paradise

            Seeing Red

You no doubt, have an ordinary-looking coffee pot.  I don't.  Tonto and I were visiting Sam's Club when a beautiful blue coffee pot caught my attention.  Upon further investigation, we found that these pots came in many colors. They are square-shaped, and have all the bells and whistles.  And they are made in Canada!  That was hard to believe.  And best of all, they are gecko proof.  I will explain for recent readers of my letters.  
A couple of years ago, Tonto called to my attention that a gecko (small lizard) was floating inside with the coffee.  I had already had two cups.  Not the usual Folgers in my cup.  Anyway, this new pot with its enclosed sides should prevent this happening in the future.  There is nothing I have against geckos. They are supposed to bring good luck.  Also, they eat ants and cockroaches.  We had a couple living with us, and I was surprised, when opening a cupboard door, to find one looking straight into my eyes.  They must be strong climbers, as we live on the 30th floor. That's 300 feet.  Maybe they rode in on groceries.  Who knows?  The other day I found a baby one about two inches in size. Tonto said later that it had died.  Too bad, but if there is a small one, there must be a mother somewhere. 
But getting back to red.  Tonto made a red cloth cover for our ice cream machine. There is also the bright red cookie jar on the kitchen counter.  So, that's all I have to say except that the name of the coffeepot maker is "Bella."   

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