Thursday, December 5, 2013

Opening Day

       More Letters From Paradise
             Opening Day

"Here, give me those," Pat said savagely, as he removed my binoculars from its case, and thrust two cans of beer in its place. He then put two more beers in the left pocket of my raincoat, and then two more in the right pocket. "There, he smiled sweetly "you are now ready for the game." This was opening day at Detroit's "Tiger Stadiam." The first game of the season was always cold. The old green wood seats had rested on the frozen concrete all winter. But the first game was spring ritual not to be missed by true baseball fans.

Other members in our group had also prepared refreshment, which was needed during the game. I can't recall which team faced the Tigers, or even the final score. But I do remember Morgana. She worked at one of the local strip clubs, and she had rather large breasts. Every so often she would turn and face the crowd, and lift her jacket to reveal her treasures. The crowd roared in approval. She flashed Willie Horton, who was standing on the field just below us. He smiled, and just shook his head. A couple of guards appeared, and the crowd in a most helpful way, pointed them to the opposite direction from where she sat. The guards soon got wise, captured Morgana and friend, ushered them out, while the crowd showed their disapproval. 

Mention too should be made about a feat worthy of recording. One o our guys managed to carry ten large full cups of beer to the upper deck, without spilling a drop. The consumption of so much beer required a trip to the restroom. Long lines streatched to the relief station. But following my mentor Pat, I simply entered the restroom through the exit door. I was informed that this way was better. I had to agree, as the system worked really well. Guys leaving the restroom did not interfere,as they had already relieved themselves. Which team won the game, I probably will never know. But I will always remember the start of that one season.

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