Monday, December 16, 2013

A Shepherd Remembers

       More Letters From Paradise
         A Shepherd Remembers
The following is a short dramatic reading I wrote some time ago for the Christmas season. Costume your reader and listen as he speaks:
I am old and ignorant. I can no longer even go into the field to watch the sheep. But I am content, for I have received a great gift from God.
I will never forget that night. The memory of what happened, has been forever burned into my brain.
(after a pause) Let me begin by saying it was just an ordinary night. Cold, after the brightness and heat of the day. The dark shapes of the sheep could be dimly seen among the rocks on the hillside.
And, then it happened. You may doubt my words, but I was not alone. I have witnesses.
Suddenly the sky grew bright as day, and a figure all glowing in white appeared.
Well, I don't have to tell you that we were terrified. We all fell down on our faces, my whole body shook, I couldn't breathe, the light was blinding!
But that was not all. The figure told us not to be afraid. A Savior had been born who was Christ the Lord. We were told that we would find a baby wrapped in cloths, and lying in a manger.
I heard the words distinctly, and that is not all. Suddenly, the figure was surrounded by others praising, and saying Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace to men on whom his favor rests.
Do you know what it feels like to get knocked down by a sheep? You can't get your breath. That's how it felt, or maybe I should say it was like having a great rock dropped on me, and suddenly lifted.
Anyway, we just sat there on our knees, there in the darkness, and nobody said anything for a long time.
Finally, somebody broke the silence. I don't know who it was, but he suggested that we go down to Bethlehem, to see this thing that had happened.
I'll tell you that we just up and left for Bethlehem. Left the flocks there all alone. Never did that before in my life, and never did it again, except for that one night.
We traveled as fast as we could. Each one of us in a daze, and not discussing what we had just seen and heard.
It was late when we arrived at the city, and how we found Him, I can only guess. The city was full of people for the census.
It was as if we were being led to Him. You know, like being pulled by a long rope.
It was in one of those caves in the hillside that are sometimes used as stables, that we found Him.
A young mother had just given birth, and the baby was wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Just like we had been told. This was the Son of God! The Messiah!
No one spoke. We all fell on our knees and thanked God who in his infinite mercy had allowed us to share this moment.
All this happened so long ago, but I will never forget that night, or what happened.
No!never! (end and exit)                                        

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