Friday, October 31, 2014

Mai Times

       More Letters From Paradise
  Mai Times "aka Mr. Fuzzy" Vol.1 no.3?

Vet Perplexed  p.3
Stool sample required.
Mai Tai's was green.
Later traced to pepper
eaten off kitchen floor.

No Place to Hide  story p. 2
Space under bed now
blocked with stuff.

New Stuffed Pet p.10
Both skunks and
Armadillo have
been destroyed.
The Groundhog is
now featured item.

Progress Made p.5
Teena has worked
with Mai Tai so
that he stands,
sits, heels, and
shakes right paw.

 Current Problem
Mai Tai barks every
time a person walks
past our door.

Feature Story
When doing floor
exercises person is
treated to face lick,
crotch sniffed,snuggle,
and riding leg while
trying to lift dog.

Brush Off p.7
When Teena brushes
Mai Tai he ends up
looking like a cloud
with an attitude.



  1. Barking when people pass the door? Oops! I wonder what his obedience would suggest about that?
