Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Just Not Cricket

      More Letters From Paradise
         Just Not Cricket
When I think about England's contributions to civilization, I think about Magna Carta, Anglican Church, Shakespeare,Kipling, Churchill, and the Battle of Britain.

But I also think about where they went wrong. Warm beer, sweet tea, bad cooking, driving on the wrong side of the road, and cricket.

But we have just discovered the joys of one  other thing that the British got right. And it's the game of Polo. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars for a string of polo ponies, in order to enjoy the game. If you like horses, strong riders (men and women),combat after a ball to chase and drive into a goal, then you would enjoy the sport. If you are a golfer or play soccer, there are some similarities. The ball is larger and it hit with a mallet, to score a goal at the end of the field. For you golfers, there are also divots which are to be stomped down during halftime.

The game is so civilized, four seven minute periods called chukkers ( probably from India). At the end of each chukker horses are changed, while you have time to go the the loo, or have a spot of tea. Jolly what?

As members we enjoy premium table seating in the covered grand stand. We can bring our own food and drink, or purchase it there.  The club is some 45 minutes from the city along a beautiful ocean drive, located near the town of Waimanalo.
The field is lush and green, over nine foot ball fields in length. The people are wonderful, and the horses are beautiful. If you ever come to see us, we will be glad to take you along as our guest. What is it you drink?


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