Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Flock of Cranes

       More Letters From Paradise
          A Flock of Cranes
The Building Crane is Hawaii's new state bird, and its nest is Honolulu. New condo building is taking place at an alarming rate. Older buildings are being knocked-down, and are being replaced with tall high-rise condos. A few short years ago, next door (two acres), there were mango trees, a seedy night club, a lingerie shop, and a parking lot for taxi cabs. Now there is a condo with glass walls.  Our building is 38 stories. Our new neighbor  is just as tall. You would be surprised to learn that it takes only two years to build one of these.
It's getting crazy. When the " developers" advertise the building of a new condo, it is often sold-out before construction has begun. I kid you not! I think it is like buying "a pig in a poke." There is one new condo soon to be built, and the prices run from a low of 900K to 10 million!!
And all of you who have visited here, remember the International Market, and King's Village? They will soon only be a memory. The market will be built around the huge banyan tree, and will include a Sax Fifth  Ave.  Just what we need.
Also, just in front of the Ala Moana Mall, new low rise luxury condos will be built. The situation here is being compared to Hong Kong, where the same thing is happening.
Those of us who live here have some concerns.  Every new building will require electric power, then what about sewers, water, and parking garages.  People who buy these luxury units will want a car. This will add to the terrible traffic jams we have on our few roads.  The intra-structure of Honolulu was never designed to meet this kind of a demand. "Developers" come here from the mainland, build condos, and then leave with their money.
I should also note that there is  shortage of affordable housing for average family. It is the rule, rather than the exception, that working people here hold two jobs, in order to survive. There doesn't seem to be much interest in building low-cost homes. Not much profit there.
But we must remember the "Golden Rule," the one with the gold, makes the rules.


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