Monday, April 4, 2016

Arkansas Farmer

       More Letters From Paradise
           Arkansas Farmer

"My dad never took a dog to the vet." "Why? I asked." "He could always get another one." "And when they were sick, he would hit them in the head with a ball peen hammer." "He couldn't stand to see them suffer." "Told us kids he would use the hammer on us if we didn't behave."

"Saw him beat up a man who was once abusing a horse." "And another time he saw a black man beating his wife, and knocking her to the ground." "He beat him up too, and helped the woman up from the the ground." "He was still beating people up into his late sixties."

This tough Arkansas farmer who only went to the second grade in school, built a school for children of tomato cannery workers. The nearest school was far away, and would require the children to stay at school. The canning factory put four tomates in each can. They were called "Kiser Tomatoes," and were developed by this tough Arkansas farmer. It was a win-win situation. The children went to school for part of the year, the rest of the time they could be picking tomatoes.


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