Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Simply Bananas

       More Letters From Paradise        
            Simply Bananas

To begin with, Gene is a  pilot. And years ago he was flying a cargo plane to Panama, and back to the States. While he was in Panama, he bought two big bunches of bananas (very cheap),to take home. And when the plane landed, there were no customs to bar his way,so he threw the bananas in the trunk of his car and drove home.

The next morning while his wife and two kids were having breakfast, they had remarked that each bunch of bananas were as big as they were. And Gene went down into the basement, to hang up a bunch to wait until the bananas were ripe.

 A scream was heard, and Gene rushed upstairs to see his wife standing on the top of the table, and the two kids in the kitchen sink! And there on the beautiful white kitchen floor with gold flicks in it, lay a big nasty spider!

What was he to do? Armed only with soft bedroom slippers? He sneaked around behind the big nasty spider and struck a mighty blow with the sole of his slipper. "Did it squish?" I asked. "No, he replied, more like a crunch."



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