Thursday, March 26, 2015

Primo Popcorn

     More Letters From Paradise
          Primo Popcorn
An article in today's paper caught my eye, and I would like to share it with you. Primo is a long-time Hawaiian beer, but this has nothing to do with beer. A man here named Rylen Sato has created a frozen popcorn treat called Primo Popcorn. The popcorn is flash-frozen at minus 321.07 degrees Fahrenheit.The frozen popcorn treat is called 77K-on. It melts in your mouth and the vapor that comes out of your mouth and nose makes you look like a dragon. It will make its public debut this weekend. The popcorn comes in different flavors and costs $3.00 for a cup, and $5.00 for chocolate and flavors. I think this guy will soon become a millionaire. Probably the idea will soon reach the mainland.

Reading this article I was suddenly reminded of a summer job I once had, and it had to do with cold treats.

The local dairy in our town had a three-wheel bicycle with a large ice chest in front, and a seat in the rear. The chest would be supplied with popsicles,ice-cream bars, fudge bars and flat slabs of dry ice to keep everything from melting . I knew when the local factory had lunch, and it  was always good for several sales. I hung around the town swimming pool for many sales. At the end of a hot summer day, I would have sold about $11.00 worth of cold treats. My share was probably less than two dollars. I liked Orange coated ice cream bars. They must have cost ten cents, as pop sickles were five cents and could be broken in half and shared with a friend. A cool summer job. My paper route only paid me $5.00 a week. This job must have come to an end with the arrival of Dairy Queen.


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